beVermont - buy and sale from people you like!

We Are in 585 Towns! - Example Ad

Folks and especially kids, math can be tough and real challenge. When we can, we won't just tell you some strange numbers, we will explain them to you. If you have question after, feel free to ask, but I don't think you will. Instead of questions you may have some appreciations :)

beVermont is new project. A universal classified ad tool focused on Vermont and neighboring counties. Those words have created too much confusion among readers and visitors to beVermont web site. Such as why do you brag about Vermont, it's a tiny place. Why do you even mention Vermont's neighbors, we don't care about them. And really buddy, we are talking about couple hundred people, most of them farmers and without computers, so come on!

Fair replies! Not smart but fair! So to clarify, here goes. Vermont may be small but it is beautiful. It has some farms, but people who work there are minority of VT population. And they are typically also very smart, crafty people and most of them have computers and internet access. Surprise?

Vermont also has about 650,000 people. That's a good number and for many folks it is unexpected. That's ok. When you add neighboring counties to 650,000, you will get almost 3 millions folks. If you don't care that's too bad. Add those extra counties to Vermont's 14 and you will get 27. I would not ignore them or their people, altogether this is very happy place.

And count of towns ... a bit more difficult, but here goes. Add them all in 27 counties we cover and you'll end up with 584 towns. Tough math of course so we could be off by one or two, but almost 600 towns is nothing to disregard. 3 million folks in 600 towns? I like it! We cover all of them and hope they will all return the favor and visit us too.

We cover 5 states (including Quebec), 27 counties, 585 towns and almost 3 million great people.

Ask more question! And share beVermont with your friends. Cheers!

PS: I got a very good question where person asked "How did you get to 585 towns?" We should be more clear about this number. It is not only Vermont, this state has less than 300 towns and you get to 585 when you add towns from neighboring states' border counties. We also did not use any mailing list or similar source, we used simple geography to get all the towns and counties. Really, no cheating!

This is not a real ad, only an example.

For Sale

by Robert / Essex Junction, Chittenden, Vermont / 2024-03-01 to 2024-05-15

beVermont - AMByte Software - Vermont - USA